
Automotive Auxiliary Motor Testing Equipment

This system is designed for performance testing of car window lift motors and sunroof motors. It measures parameters such as motor speed, torque, and current to assess the motor’s performance condition.

Automotive Auxiliary Motor Testing Equipment

Automotive Auxiliary Motor Testing Equipment

The comprehensive motor performance testing system can be categorized into three main components based on its working principles:

  1. Data Acquisition Section: This part is further divided into:

    • Electrical Signal Acquisition: Includes measurements of the tested product controller’s bus voltage, current, input power, as well as the voltage (UV; UW; VW), current (UV; UW; VW), input power (UV; UW; VW), and frequency at both the output of the tested product controller and the motor input.

    • Mechanical Signal Acquisition: Covers parameters such as the torque and speed output by the tested motor. These signals are measured using an electrical parameter instrument in conjunction with current transformers.

  2. Load Control Section: This section primarily consists of load controllers, dynamometers, and control cabinets. Dynamometers can be controlled via software along with torque and speed sensors to perform torque or speed closed-loop or open-loop control. The control cabinet can also provide various hardware and software protections for the system.

  3. Auxiliary Section: Depending on actual requirements, this section includes auxiliary devices such as cooling systems, vibration sensors, and temperature sensors, which can be selected and configured as needed.

Automotive Auxiliary Motor

This system is specifically designed to test the performance of automotive window lift motors and sunroof motors. It measures parameters such as torque, speed, and current to assess the motor’s overall performance.

Software Interface:

CM Software Interface
CM Software Interface

Demo / Application Photo and Video

Motor Testing System for Automotive Auxiliary

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