
Motor Loading Performance (Dynamometer) Test System

Loading test for both brushed and brushless motor by typical dynamometer motor test system.

Automotive Auxiliary Motor Testing Equipment

Introduction to the Motor Loading Performance Testing System:

The principles for testing the loading performance of brushed and brushless motors are essentially the same. The system uses a dynamometer to apply loads and simulate the performance of the tested motor under various loads. This system typically includes:

  • A dynamometer (integrated with torque and speed sensors)
  • A loading controller
  • An electrical parameter meter
  • An industrial control computer (PC)
  • A motor power supply
  • A test cabinet
  • A test bench
  • Fixtures and testing software
IEMT Structure

Components and Functions:




Industrial Control Computer

Controls instruments via installed testing software.


Applies load to the tested motor and feeds back torque and speed signals.

Loading Controller

Controls the dynamometer’s load, collects signals, calculates torque and speed, supports open/closed-loop control, and communicates with the PC.

Electrical Parameter Meter

Measures voltage and current of the tested motor and communicates with the PC.

Motor Power Supply

Supplies power to the tested motor with communication and external voltage compensation functions.

Test Bench

Supports and holds the dynamometer and test fixtures.


Secures the tested motor.

Test Cabinet

Houses instruments, insulating boards, and safety devices for testing.

Software Interface:

CM Software Interface

Demo / Application Photo and Video

Motor Testing System

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